Saturday, November 14, 2009

Home again... with our Mini ICU

We are home again! With a mini ICU.  Here are the supplies we've accumulated since Tripp was born:

His feeding pump...


Suction machine and Pulse Ox...

Portable Suction...

Apnea monitor...

Portable oxygen tank...

At home Oxygen machine...

Ambu bag and suction catheters...

Extra trachs, collars, masks, saline, nose suckers, etc...

And the power that runs it all... (old house means NO outlets, scary huh?)

But here's why we don't travel.  This is what we bring when we go ANYWHERE:


Try fitting more than about 4 of these big ole' diapers in your diaper bag with all the other Mepilex, gauze, feeding tube supplies, PLUS all the regular baby stuff you have to fit.  Needless to say, this bag NEVER zips.

BUT the most precious "supply" of all is our special baby boy...

This was last night during dressing change.  He's been blowing us award winning bubbles lately with this nice cold he has... He thinks it's funny.  This is why Mommy is obsessed with her new nose suckers.

We are all exhausted after this week and now trying to unpack and get settled AGAIN.  I'll update again soon about how little man is doing at home!  Say some prayers that we can stay home for a while.
Thank you much for all the love and support.

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