Monday, March 8, 2010

"Manly Mondays"

Hitting Homeruns in front of thousands of people in PRO BALL. (EASY)

Facilatating complaints from angry parents (whose kids are healthy)(EASY)

Writing for the first time on this blog after and trying to do as a good of job as my WIFE. (HARD)

Guys,to get things started on the first 'Manly Monday' I just want to start by saying THANK YOU to all of you who keep up with this blog and give our family the support it needs to get through these tough times. It has been a lot of ups and downs the last 9 months since Tripp was born. Lately Tripp has not been sleeping well do to his trach being clogged and dried up. I admire my wife with her SUPER HERO powers to be able to take care of him 24 hrs around the clock. When Tripp is not feeling well my wife puts in another gear and gets it done.

Although Tripp is not feeling well, the little tough guy still finds time through out the day to give you a smile and a hug. I wouldn't trade that little sucker in for anything in the world. Like my wife he amazes me also with his toughness to take on this DISEASE every day.

Most parents can not wait to be role nodels for their children and be able to teach them the importnat things in life. I am on the side of that I feel that i have a son who is my role model and these last 9 months he taught me things I would have never learned with a healthy baby. This little guy is already special and everyday I am learning the reasons GOD gave him to us.

I just want to say THANKS again for all the support and I promise to be more prepared for next week.

Thanks, Randy

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