Friday, September 10, 2010

Two posts in one day... this could be a record.

Baby T is finally asleep lying next to me... and yes, I know I should be sleeping.  But I wanted to let you know how the rest of the day went because I was so darn happy.  Tripp was just plain miserable before we bathed him (we skipped yesterday because that would have been like torture).  And I was just plain dreading bath today-- but he was an ANGEL.  And after bath, he was like a new child.  He was smiling and happy and playing.  Eye still swollen, but opening it a LOT better.  What a relief.  I never thought I would miss pushing that little man around in his car for hours at a time.  Or miss him slapping me out of his face when I tried to kiss him- but I did.  Every time he feels bad and isn't himself I always miss him so much and it always makes me appreciate the things that we CAN do together so much more.  What I really appreciate now is his eyesight.  I kept imagining today what it would be like if he couldn't see at all.  That would be so very sad.  Praying tomorrow will only be better :)

I know it is all the prayers going up for our little man that is helping him pull through!  
Because Man, O Man... I love this kid. 


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