Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hospital Admit.

Hello friends.  Tripp was admitted into the hospital yesterday.  He has still been feeling really bad- pulling his legs to his chest, lethargic, holding his head... so I knew I had to admit him so we could figure out what is going on.  So Mom and I packed him up from about 10-2 (seriously)... and we got here about 3:00pm yesterday afternoon.  We are on the Pediatric unit (just thankful we aren't in PICU).  So far, they've done a urine, stool samples, an abdominal ultrasound, and blood work and cultures.  Everything was normal except his WBC (white blood cell count)-it was very high, which most all of the time indicates some type of infection.  I suggested to the doctor that we do a CT-scan.  I just know that I won't have a peace of mind until we test everything- and while we are already here, we might as well.  It just worries me that he's holding his little head in his hand constantly.  And he doesn't even want to really sit up and play.... he's just plain miserable.  So we will be doing the CT-scan tonight (it's already 9:30 and still waiting).  Mind you, he's already had blood work drawn and had an abdominal ultrasound done today (we had to remove his torso dressings and hold him down--- TRAU- MA-TIC.  I was beyond frustated and the poor little girl (I say little, probably my age- I just feel like I'm 100 years old) was so nervous and seemed pretty new because she was taking her sweet time, bless her.  ugh.  

So, where do we stand?  We know there is some type of infection brewing... so if the CT-scan of his head comes back normal, they will just start him on a different antibiotic that concentrates more on skin infections.  But we also have to wait a few days to see read the blood cultures (which will indicate a BLOOD infection).  That wouldn't be good.  So I will update you tomorrow and let you know what the CT-scan showed and what steps we will take to get my baby OUTTA HERE!! 

Oh, and I will be spending yet another birthday in the hospital tomorrow!!  We were here last year this time, also!  I'll be 25- but I feel like I'm about 65!  haha... but that's okay- I didn't have big plans for this birthday, anyway :) Tripp is my only plan!  Please keep the prayers coming for my little super-hero.  He just can't shake whatever is going on.  


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