Monday, November 22, 2010

A Little Discovery That Makes Me Happy! (And Supports My OCD...)

Ok, so only some of you will appreciate this. You see, I make notes about everything and I bookmark stuff like there is no tomorrow! I need visual cues to remember things and I have so much on the go, I need reminders otherwise it all goes down the drain.

Exhibit A:
Yes, this is the side of my fridge and there are 6 lists and a calendar...

Exhibit B:

There is generally always a list like this sitting in front of my computer of things I need to do next time I get a chance to be online for any length of time. This way as I think of things throughout the day, I just jot them down so I won't forget in between times.

Exhibit C:

I just cleaned these up this afternoon so they're not so exciting right now but usually they are a mess of 'this and that' ideas and thoughts that hit me on the average day. I write them down, then try to pursue them further when time permits.

...I won't even show you all the folders under my 'Favorites'...

In case, you're wondering, I have been made fun of. At least I'm organized, right? But without boring you further with my obsessive, compulsive ways, I think I've proven my point. Which is why my new discovery is so exciting...EVERNOTE! I'd never heard of it until I was reading 1+1+1=1 the other day and it was discussed as being a very helpful tool! Rather then me trying to explain it, just watch this adorable little video:

Pretty cool, huh? Obviously, I installed it right away and have been going a little Evernote crazy since!

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