Sunday, November 7, 2010

Life's Sweetest Moments

Tonight I was able to enjoy one-on-one time with my baby, Taitum. Although her and I spend every day together it is rare that we are alone. Usually, big sister Piper is around, too. I really do love the dynamics of being around both my children. They love each other so much, interact so well and the 3 of us always have a blast together. But there is also something special about being with them individually.

Often it is Piper who gets the alone time with me. She is older and so is much easier to take to the store if I need to run out in the evening for something. Plus there is more of a variety of things to take her to that just wouldn't be age appropriate for Tait. Taitum and I always have a little story and snuggle time before bed but quality play time with her alone is a rarity.

I was reminded this evening about what a delight she truly is. Not that I didn't realize this before but after having an opportunity to sit down and play with her without any other distractions, I am once again blown away by what a beautiful little person she is. She is so quick to laugh and has fun with whatever we do. We build block towers and knock them down. She puts a block in her mouth to be silly and loves when I laugh in response. We play with the pop up toy and I keep making the animals pop up quicker then she can close them. This is SO funny to her. Then I hide her stuffed cat under a blanket. She rips the blanket off and howls with laughter! I get on my hands and knees and chase her all around the house as she shrieks and giggles. Then the tables turn and she is after me, peppering me with her slobbery, open-mouthed kisses when she catches me. At her learning table she turns the music on and starts dancing, showing off with her newest accomplishment - 'twirling' around in a circle (its not nearly as graceful as it sounds but adorable nonetheless!). And of course I join in with my own amazing dance moves that make her gurgle and grin. Then to wind down we cuddle up on the couch with some books and she nestles into the crook in my arm, thumb in mouth as I read. Her thumb comes out at every page so she can point at something and ask, "Dis?".

I am mesmerized by my baby girl. I love everything about her and who she is becoming. As a young mother, I'm discovering that that these times are infinitely valuable. These are the moments I will someday look back on and treasure and I hope she will too. I want each of my children to know that they are worth spending time with. They need to know that I enjoy being around them and that they are more important than housework or Facebook or the book I'm reading. I want them to always feel that they are amazing and beautiful and valuable in my eyes. I hope they forever hear in their hearts the words I whisper to them each night, "I love you so much! You are so precious to me!"

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