Monday, January 24, 2011

R to the andom

1.  Is there anyone else who could watch Househunters all day long?  Really, we usually fall asleep on the couch watching it every. single. night. 

2.  I get really disappointed when the forecast includes snow at only a 20% chance.  I either want a 0% chance or a 100% chance.  Flurries are just annoying.  Unless its Christmas.  Then, they're enchanting.

3.  I have totally had it with my semi-not-blonde-but-not-brunette-either hair.  OVER. IT.  I'm going back to blonde. 

4.  Sometimes I wonder if I'm really 80-years-old in a 28-year-old body.  Mainly because I sit with a heating pad behind my back and wrapped up in fleece blankets every night just to keep warm while I blogstalk.

5.  Totally loving The Secret Life of Cee Cee Wilkes.  I'm probably the last one to jump on this book club favorite, but I seriously read a non-school-related book like twice a year.  It's something I need to work on.

6.  There is a lot of nudity in our home lately.  Beck would be clothesless all day, every day if we would let him. 

7.  Did you know that one of the top ten phrases that turns up my blog when Googled is "J Woww hair?"  That is a little disconcerting.  {I hope "nudity in our home" doesn't start sending people here, too...}

8.  I have the baby bug something awful.  I am doodling baby names again...

9.  The environment hates me right now.  We have gone through a ridiculous amount of plastic, styrofoam, and paper plates, cups, and bowls since we are sinkless and dishwasherless.  Not to mention the sweet 360 piece set of plastic forks, spoons, and knives my mom picked up for me at Sam's. 

10.  I've fallen off The Bachelor bandwagon.  Brad just wasn't doing anything for me.  And they had a VAMPIRE on there.  I mean, I like Twilight just as much as the next girl, but not in real life.  Really, ABC?  REALLY?!

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