Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tot School (Sort of...)

It seems to me that for many the last week has been filled with similar circumstances. So I'm sure the following picture of what we did in Tot School this week will be somewhat familiar!

That's right - laying on the couch snuggling Mama. Poor, sick dolly! She was hit the hardest!

But the funny thing about kids is that despite feeling awful, they still need to be kept busy! Taitum is not at an age yet where sitting and watching movies will suffice on a sick day. No, no. This girl has to keep moving! She wasn't in any mood to be on her own though so I included her in many of the things her sister was doing:

Like making contact paper heart suncatchers ... (mind you this was before I realized she was sick and was blaming teething...)

And dancing to the song I sang for Piper's rhyming activity...

And stamping with paper tube heart stamps.

I also pulled out the crayons for her so she could color some vegetable pictures too but she got a glimpse of stickers that were in the crayon box. Coloring time turned into sticker time! This girl LOVES stickers lately!!

You can pretty much guess what the challenging and successful parts of our week were: dealing with a sick darling and seeing her health return (and sleep-filled nights! Can you hear my sigh of relief?!)

I am very much looking forward to the week ahead and more than ready to put this last one behind us! I must say though I am so grateful for children that are rarely sick and who recover quickly when they are!

Be sure and check out what other parents are doing with their tots by clicking on the button below!

Tot School

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