Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Shelf In My Brain

I am a planner. I like to think about things, plan out what I'm gonna do, make lists to remind me to do it and then get er' done! It doesn't always go that smoothly but I do love the planning process!

Lately, my mind has been planning in 2 different ways:

1) The big projects that need to be done around the house, especially outside! I won't go into detail because there is a lot and I'd rather not fry your brain with the boredom of hearing household plans that excite only me!

2) The future. Mine in particular. You see as a stay-at-home mom, I first of all realize that my time and resources to do a bunch of things outside the home and beyond our budget just is not possible. And that's ok. I'm quite content in this season of my life. But I also realize there will come a day when the demands of children and the penny pinching of a one income budget will not be quite so immense as they are at this time in my life. So whenever something comes up that I wish I could help with or be a part of, it gets catergorized to the empty nester shelf in my brain. I know, I'm weird, right? But in my own silly little way, it makes me happy and not so sad to look ahead to the day whe my babies aren't babies anymore!

Are you itching to see what's on that little shelf? I thought so! Here goes....

First, I really, really want to help people who have just moved to Canada and are learning English as a second language. Time and again I hear stories of people who are struggling to survive in a new culture surrounded by a language they have yet to master. When my hubby tells me of kids at school who face this struggle at such a vulnerable age, my heart breaks! I want so much to take them in, teach them the ropes of North American culture and be a person they can practice their English on without feeling intimidated or judged.

Second, I would love to become a doula. Being there to coach a mother through labor would be so amazing! I don't know if I'll ever stop missing the miracle and joy of childbirth so being able to be a part of it in others lives would be such a privelege. I'd rather not stop there though. I'd also like to be a part of new mothers' lives post partum. I am certain that the reason I was so relaxed as a new mom and didn't face any depression had much to so with the phenomonal support system I had. My family has been such a blessing to me, especially when I faced the steep learning curve of becoming a mother. But I know not everyone is so fortunate. Sometimes families are too far away or just not very helpful. So not only do I love the prospect of rocking a newborn while a new mama catches some much needed rest, but I'd also like to be the blessing to others that my own family has been to me.

Lastly, the biggest one of all. The one that my heart hopes for the most. Adoption. Its something Matt and I have always talked about and something we look forward to. As Christians, its something we feel called to. As parents, its a new adventure in parenthood that we would be delighted to embrace. To take a child who is parentless and call them our own. Financially, now is not the time. In the best interest of the children we have right now, we feel we must wait. But the thought of someday thrills me!

"But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law,
so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.
Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!"
Galatians 4:4-6

I warned you there'd be ramblings!

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