Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Twenty Things About Us.

Just a little look at me and B...

1.  We are messy basement people.  We're forever flawed.

2.  We only have one couch and we both share it when watching TV at night.  The alternative is the floor, so we squirm uncomfortably at opposite ends for the first 5-minutes until one of us dramatically gives in and positions our legs on the outside. 

3.  We have really good conversations on long car rides.

4.  We don't always like each other.  But, we always love each other :)

5.  We don't go to bed at the same time.  I always go first.  B rolls into bed anywhere from 1-4 hours later (after he's fallen asleep on the couch for a bit).  It drives me crazy.

6.  We endure each other's TV show addictions.  B could discuss Snooki and Jennelle, and I could tell you what a rivermonster is and the most recent Castle drama.  It's called compromise.

7.  I talk a lot.  B talks less.  However, we're both loud.

8.  We never fight about money.  I thank God and Financial Peace University.  Before you marry, I highly recommend FPU or some other financial planning class.

9.  We *love* to take walks when the weather is warm.

10.  B drinks lots of milk.  I drink lots of Diet Coke.  It could be worse.

11.  We often do the exact same task differently.  And that can really drive us crazy.  We're still learning how to cope with this :)

12.  B is one year older than me.  We're high school sweethearts.

13.  B is really good at fixing things.  Which is good when I blow a fuse three times in a row at 6am and have to wake him up to turn the electric back on.  I like to keep him on his toes.

14.  I'm a Big Mac kinda girl, B's a Quarter-Pounder-with-Cheese kinda guy.

15.  Drinking coffee together on the weekends is one of our favorite pasttimes.

16.  We've decided we want to take Becks on a vacation before we add another bambino to the family.

17.  Our shared love of the Dave Matthews Band bonds us.

18.  We race to pick up Beckham from the nursery at church.  B has even been known to steal the pager off of my purse without me knowing it, so he can sign him out before I can.

19.  We're totally BFFs.

20.  We both agree that doing laundry is - by far - the worst household chore to do. 

Happy Wednesday!

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