Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Smile So Sweet

     Week 25 had a very tasty start, we made a secret family recipe called avgolemono: a delicious Greek chicken, rice & lemon soup. The recipe comes from Savannah's Great-Great-Grandmother and has been passed down, generation to generation. It is a long process to make, but it is well worth it in the end!

     This was also the week that we were due back at the high risk doctor in Orlando. We look forward to these visits only because we get to see our baby girl! They did a full scan and 4D ultrasound, Savannah is growing right on track but still has those long legs like Mommy! Our sweet girl blessed us with a precious moment when she smiled for us on the ultrasound. A smile so sweet it makes your heart melt <3

     After each appointment in Orlando, we try to plan something fun to do with Savannah. This week, we decided to explore the beautiful Leu Gardens. We had a great time, despite the heat. Some of our favorite things there were the massive stalks of bamboo, sitting by the lake, and watching all of the butterflies in the open-air butterfly garden. Savannah even took the time to stop and smell the roses.

     Another special someone decided to celebrate Savannah, our big-boy cat, Dewey!  He wanted to snuggle and feel Savannah kick :)

     We finished off the week with a trip to Downtown Disney! We took Savannah to Rainforest Café for dinner, where we sat in front of a group of gorillas who got rowdy each time a thunderstorm came through the rainforest. Savannah enjoyed watching the rain and seeing all of the animals.  After dinner, we played around in the gift shop, trying on silly animal hats (Savannah loved the panda!) and even took some pictures in the photo booth.

     We waked through Downtown Disney and stopped in some of the toy stores on the way. We will never forget what happened next... We saw a character statue and knew that Savannah had to have a picture with him!  I went and stood next to him, showing off Savannah. Once Josh took the picture, I turned to say thank you, quickly realizing that he had crouched down and was pointing at my belly the whole time! 

To say I was shocked would be an understatement!

     We finished off the night with something sweet: Dessert at Ghirardelli! This has always been Mommy and Daddy's favorite place for dessert or hot chocolate when we're in the area. Daddy got a scoop of cookies 'n' cream ice cream and Mommy shared a chocolate malt with Savannah! We think she liked it, she was up all night movin' and groovin'! (Maybe chocolate so close to bed time was a bad idea ;) )

     We are very blessed to be able to make such special memories with Savannah.  Please pray that as we get closer to her birthday, we would continue to have the strength to find joy in the journey.  We have been experiencing tougher days lately, and we know that we still have some big battles to face.  We are not alone in this though, and that is what we constantly need to be reminded of.  We appreciate all of your love, support, and prayers.  

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6

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