Tuesday, January 17, 2012

King Keeler

I was scrolling through some of my most recent posts and noticed that they have seemed to center more around our new cowboy lately.  However, that is not the case in our life.  Keeler is not missing out on any attention and is still pretty much ruling our world as King Keeler.  He is such an animated and lively little three year old.  He brightens our day from the moment he awakens us, which is always too early.  I wanted to document a few of his funny quirks so that I can look back and smile  someday.

1)      He wakes us in the morning (always before 6:30a) with a simple request, “milk that I can taste the sugar in it and a poptart, please.”
2)      When he makes a mess or does something wrong he very guiltily says, “sorry about that!” – with an evil little grin.
3)      He loves to play “bucking shoot” with daddy.  This is taking the cushions off the couch and building a mock cattle shoot.  Then he gets taken through the shoot, branded, ear tagged and vaccinated.  He could play this for hours!
4)      He is a great big brother!  He asks to hold Kallahan periodically.  He'll hold him for about two seconds and then it quickly loses its appeal.  He  does get very excited when Kallahan smiles at him. 
5)      He loves having a fireplace and asks for build “a campfire” pretty often.
6)      He loves going to school and church.  I am so happy that he is an independent little cowboy that loves to be around people!

My nephew Samuel turned 4 on Saturday!  I struggled with this because like I told my mom, 4 seems like “a kid” not “a toddler” anymore.  Samuel is my sister’s youngest and it just reminds me how quickly they are all growing up.  Let’s slow it down kiddos.  Happy Birthday sweet Samuel.  We hope to see you soon! 


You’ve grown so big that you’re FOUR.  You’re not so little anymore!”unknown

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