Saturday, January 7, 2012

Today I Think I’ll Buy A Unitard

Now, that’s a post-title you don’t read everyday.  But it’s what I thought when I woke up this morning.  I think I’ll buy a unitard

No?  You didn’t think the same thing?

Well, why ever not?

Is it because it reminds you of 80s workout garb?

Or perhaps because only a person name Eunice (which I would clearly pronounce Unis) with a unibrow would wear a unitard?
That’s what I thought, too.  Before.

Before Rebecca changed me.  Because, sister can *rock* a unitard and thoroughly convinced me with this post that I should at least entertain the idea of adding a unitard to my wardrobe.

First and foremost, I wear leggings about 98.5% of the time.  The other 1.5% I’m wearing something restricting and uncomfortable and am thinking about why I didn’t wear leggings.  {Except in the summer when I live in dresses.}  They’re a versatile wardrobe staple that hold me in and smooth me out when necessary.  Let’s be honest: the bottom line is just that they’re so dang comfortable!  So, why not just feel comfortable all over and buy a unitard?!  Perfect for winter underneath everything, me thinks.

So, I made a plan of action.  First off, I had to locate said unitard.  Rebecca’s is from American Apparel and darnit if we don’t have one of those close by that I’d never visited.  It opened at 11am, which is too late for me to subsist on coffee alone (cause let’s be honest – who wants to try on a unitard with a belly full of Raisin Bran?).  I opted for a mini Clif Bar instead.

Beckham went with me.  Through the shadiest part of town ever.  If you’re familiar with Cinci, then you probably know exactly what I’m talking about.  Long story short, I made it there holding my breath, not making eye contact with anyone, and then parked at a parking meter which I had no intention of paying.  Because I had zero change.  And I intended to be parked there for less than three minutes. 
Went in the store, grabbed the unitard, and it. was. LOVE.  I tried it on with the tunic I was wearing and Becks cowered in the corner.

Then, I came home and made B snap several extremely awkward pictures of me in the unitard.  All while I sang…

I wanna unitard-amus for Christmas…

…only a unitard-amus will do!

Don’t wanna doll.  No dinky tinker toy.

I wanna unitard-amus to play with and enjoy!
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Comfortable and I will wear it a lot.

I am wondering how I’m going to go to the bathroom.  Hmm.

No, I have no intentions of wearing it all by itself. 

Here’s how I’m wearing it right now:
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{Sorry ‘bout the double shots.  I’m tall, with limited room in our bedroom, and I didn’t feel like changing my fixed lens.}

Omiword.  So now you either think I’m crazy and are immediately going to de-follow me, or you’re going to be singing the tune to I Wanna Hippopotamus for Christmas! all day.  I apologize for my weirdness in advance. 

So, that’s all.  I bought a unitard.  Are you spending your Saturday thinking about unitards, too?


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