Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Million Bajillion Pictures of Beckham


I know, right?  It’s been eons.  I never thought I’d be the blog that would show up on someone’s sidebar with the last update tagged as 3 Months Ago.  Seriously.  I blame it all on my camera lens.  Short after I wrote Yagoot for You…three months ago…my new camera lens cracked.  And it spent almost two months being “repaired” before the company decided to just replace it with one that was IN STOCK at the store.  Why they didn’t just do that in the first place is beyond me, but whatever.  If you’re familiar with a 1.4 lens, you know: once you go 1.4, you don’t go back.  All that to say, I rarely took picture for 6 + weeks. 

But.  Anyway. 

Look at this crab apple.  Isn’t he a hoot?!  I shot this picture to savor every last moment of the Terrible Threes, which are right on the way out the door.  He’ll be FOUR in less than two months.  I  die. 

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You won’t believe how much he’s grown in the past three months. If you thought he was a little man before, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Let me introduce you to Mr. Personality. 

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This was him today at our early Mother’s Day brunch with my family.  B and I both had to have private discussions with him about his behavior while we were at the restaurant.  One involved B showing him the “woodshed” where they keep the spanking machine.  Oh, yes we did.

Wait?  You need further proof that he really tests our patience so often that we threaten him with non-existent woodsheds spankings?  Please note that in the family portrait on the right, my dad is continuously mouthing Becks, look at the camera!  Becks, look at the camera!

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Most of the time, he’s the sweetest little thing you ever did meet.  Enchanting you with stories of superheroes and charming you with that gap-tooth grin.

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He’s also been a rather amazing model for me lately, trying things on for me for my teaching blog – which I have been keeping up with over the past three months. 

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And, a little glimpse of what he’s going to look like as a young man someday.  Sigh.

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There.  I think that was a million bajillion.  More life updates coming soon. 

And when I say soon, I don’t mean in three months.  Promise.

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