Sunday, January 27, 2013

Jack and Jill {Letter J}

For the past two weeks, Taitum has been learning Jack and Jill and the letter J.
(I had intended to do a rhyme a week but things got hectic and so we ended up spreading this one out over two!)

Day 1:

Tait was commissioned to build a hill and then attempt to go up it while we sang the rhyme!
Of course, Piper and I helped with the building and took turns, too!
(It's harder than it looks!)
This activity caused a lot of laughter and was Tait's favorite activity!
She asked to do it everyday!

Day 2:

I made little buckets out of styrofoam and pipe cleaner and numbered them one to five.
Taitum then had to use tongs to transfer the corresponding number of water pompoms into the buckets.
She surprised me with how good she was at handling the tongs!
She needed a little help with the counting (mostly because she gets ahead of herself) but it took her no time to complete this and dump them all out to try again!

Day 3:

I printed off this J is for Jack and Jill do-a-dot sheet and Tait used pompom magnets to fill in the circles.
I left this out for a few days afterwards and it was used a lot by both girls - they just love using those magnets!

 Day 4:

Of course, Tait had no idea what a well was or what it meant to fetch a pail of water!
So this activity hopefully helped get the point across!
I filled the tub with water and threw in the foam letters that we have learned so far.
Then I provided Tait with a pail and got her to 'fetch' a letter!
She would pull one up and tell me which letter it was, I'd stick it on the wall of the shower and she'd go after another one!
She quite liked this although it was a challenge to fetch those letters!
My hubby said I should have made her go up the basement stairs each time to be really accurate but I think that would have been overdoing it! Haha!
(Also, I should note she doesn't know all the letters we have done so far. These activities are meant to introduce her to the letters of the alphabet and help her to become familiar with them over time. So don't freak out if your 3 year old doesn't know their letters yet. It's ok! Neither does mine!)

Day 5:

Finally, we did a letter J craft.
Tait glued on the letter, applied smiley faces for Jack and Jill, drew their bodies and glued on wooden shapes to make their bucket and the well.
Last of all, she used blue glitter glue markers to make the water splashing out of the bucket as they fell!

Despite the fact that it took us a bit longer to get through all the activities for this rhyme, Taitum, again, thoroughly enjoyed having her own special school time!
I am loving it too!
And Piper has been so considerate as well.
Sometimes she asks to join in which I generally welcome but other times when I have provided her with her own school work to do, she goes off and works quite diligently on it.
(I think it makes her feel like a big girl to have work she can do all on her own!)

Next week, I am planning on doing 'Sing a Song of Sixpence' with Taitum.
We will be using 'king' in the rhyme to learn the letter K!

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