Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 23, 2010

Today, I am 28-years-old {though, I'm fairly certain I will feel perpetually 23ish}. That number that begins with a "3" is approaching really quickly!

It has a been a blessed, fulfilled, crazy-busy, trying, wonderful and amazing year.

My 27th Year Top Ten Highlights...

1. My obsession and addiction to all things thrift. Though I haven't had the time lately to frequent Goodwill or St. Vinny's, they're both on my to-do list for post-holiday shopping!  I have had the best time over the past year piecing together outfits and finding housewares that cost next to nothing. 

One of my favorite finds - brand new boots for $10!

2. Redoing the hardwood floors and redecorating the living room.  We spent two weeks in February living with B's very hospitable parents, all while it was snowing feet outside.  I never thought the process would be complete, but when it was all said and done I was incredibly grateful for the time that B and his dad and brother spent over here.  Our floors look gorgeous.

3.  Starting Grad school for my Master's in Administration. 

4.  B quitting his job in August to persue the completion of his undergrad degree.  {This was probably the biggest change combined with me working fulltime!}

5.  Working full-time for the first time in my life as a First Grade Teacher.

6.  Wedding after wedding after wedding!

7.  Leaving B and Becks for NOLA with my best girls for three days - the longest amount of time and farthest distance I'd ever been from my boys. 

8.  The mouse that I touched in April and has significantly affected my life ever since. And I do not say that kiddingly. I do not enter the basement a) in the dark b) without shoes c) for longer than 35 seconds.  I am still convinced there is a mouse compound down there and they're going to attack me some day.

9.  Making memories with Becks. 
Becks' first day of preschool!  He's so big!

10.  Gatlinburg and Michigan vacations.

I can only imagine what my 28th year will hold??????

And a merry Christmas Eve Eve to you all!!!!

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